Thursday, June 15, 2017

the early daredevils in Utah at Ecker Hill ~ the history seen today

In Park City Utah near the The Pinebrook Homeowners Association there is a green hill (at least in the snow-free months) with a tennis court and an open space near the bottom of it. If you don't slow down as you drive by and look closely, you might miss the historical plaque. It is known as Ecker Hill and it has quite a history in the world of ski jumping. Click here to read more and today if you visit, you can look closely on the hill and see the remaining wood shamble that is all that is left of the stand seen in the photo below.

Ecker Hill just before official opening of US Ski Jumping Championship, February 22, 1937.
Photo by Bill Shipler. USHS Photo #9891.

the hill today (June 2017)

Sverre Engen circa 1930 on Ecker Hill
Alf Engen set a world record at Ecker Hill by jumping 247 feet on February 12, 1931.
In all, Engen set five world records at Ecker Hill.

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