Sunday, April 24, 2011

Another turn around the sun today

El hoy es mi cumpleaños -- otros vuelven el sol.

Things I did today that are pleasurable to my senses:
  • riding on Chester-the-wonder horse with Rachel riding Kasanova and Grin  (the dog) entertaining us with mouse-hunting in the barn and the associative smells, sounds, sights and feelings of doing this are just like the excitement of when I was six years old
  • riding the "new" R1200GS motorcycle up to Pt. Reyes Station
  • eating Oyster Stew at the Station House Cafe with Lisa expediting the order
  • taking a wee nap on the lawn at the Pt. Reyes NPS Bear Valley Visitor Center and feeling the warmth of the sun and the smell of the earth and grass
  • enjoying the empty Bolinas-Fairfax Road up to the top of Mt. Tam ~ where are the people today?
  • dinner in Saucy town with the weather sunny and cool
  • it's truly all good

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