Monday, March 21, 2016

When the feet decide that enough is enough

I've been this person before, the one who steps out of a pair of shoes due to discomfort and keeps walking. I did this once on Madison Avenue in New York City in my early 20's and I've never forgotten it.

Thus I can't help but smile when I discover a discarded pair of high-heeled shoes on the sidewalk. This pair seen yesterday on Sacramento Street. I subsequently wonder about the following:
  • what was she (or he for that matter) wearing that matched the purple shoe?
  • what event was she attending before this moment and how many hours were her feet subjected to these shoes?
  • did she walk home barefoot?
  • was she possibly overserved?
  • how tall was this person without the shoes?
  • what was the precipitating event that led to ditching this pair of shoes?
Last but not least... did this person spontaneously combust and all we have left as evidence are the shoes? It might have happened.

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