Monday, September 8, 2014

Grand Style of Storytelling at the Castro Theatre

Last Tuesday was the second annual GrandSLAM show of storytelling for The Moth here in San Francisco. It is a great honor that I am able to be part of this as producer and this event seemed to go smoothly especially for the size of about 1,300 in the audience.

The SF Chronicle gave us a review two days later. This show marks the 37th SLAM in San Francisco since the initial one in March of last year. Closing in on 400 stories I've heard live and always they are interesting and somewhat transformative, aligning with my Southern gene pool at a deep level. For a a more complete group of photos from the evening, click here.

Marquee outside Castro Theatre before the show / photo by Erica Steimetz

stage from up on balcony before the event

audience holding up cell phones to host Brian at commencement of show

marquee outside the balcony of the Castro Theatre / photo by Erica Steimetz
Corey Rosen tells his story as final one of the evening, musician Amie Fenwick looks on from the stage

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